28 feb. 2008


These outfits are so simple but yet so perfect.
No messy accessories hanging about, no weird hair dos and
no over-matching.
But yet, they are so hard to create.
So, so simple but oh so difficult and well made.

No milk today

By Herman's Hermits
I hate people who are rude.
take two cookies instead of one,
who only care about themselves
who don't get their friends birthday presents because it's 'too expensive'
people who say they love someone but barely know them
fake people who were fake things
people who act like they know everything but in fact know nothing
sorry for being a bit negative today . I am actually in a good mood

26 feb. 2008

Miu Miu love.

Kellie posted some really pretty things from Miu Miu,
some very pretty pink things.
This very pretty pink thing is also from Miu Miu.
Don't you just love the colour?
This picture which was posted yesterday at Sophie's blog
made the Swedish fashion blog world go crazy.
Everybody has gone mad over this bag.
So have I.

In love....

Miu Miu
Beautiful bags, and dresses, and everything!
I have to say I am very impressed with everything.
Picked out a few of my favorite things:

love kellie

25 feb. 2008


Is what I smelled like today apparently. No not Marc Jacobs 'new' fragrance, although I am considering purchasing it. It smells devine!
I really can't wait for a shopping
hopefully this weekend
can't forget
Mando Diao
concert this Friday with my very good and fun friend Lea

And the winner is...

Jessica Alba who in my opinion scored top marks
on her dress at yesterdays Oscars.


24 feb. 2008


Earlier on today I showed you a picture with Gucci Cruise 08.
I have loved the collection since I first saw it.
Here is the campaign video starring Natasha Poly and Julien Ferre.
Love it all. I'm crazy about the music as well although I have not
managed to find a suitable download yet.
/ Klara


While my friend was having a little mishap, I was sitting outside.
Studying for Biology, the reproduction of plants.
So I started picking flowers and naming the anther, filament, stigma etc etc
I ate a delicious pear whilst the sun was warming my body.
I ended up putting my bikini on and just sitting there.
It unbelievable that it's February 24, and it feels like Summer!
It's amazing, it just makes me want to go to the beach!!
Speaking of beach....

Victoria's Secret
You have no idea how hard it is to find a simple black string bikini.
It's practically impossible!
Ok, that's all from me right now,
Smell ya later!


All right, (which I totally know how to spell now thanks to tedious English lessons) in the last post I explained how I was going to go and get myself a new bag today. I did, I went outside heading for the u-bahn walking past a woman in her window smoking and looking at me like I was an idiot. Anyway, I came to Marienplatz dodging all the singing football supporters and walking towards the shops. It took me about half a second until I realized that they were closed. Today. I freak a bit because I really wanted to get the bag today, really! So I walk around a bit until I decide to go home again. I take the u-bahn home and as I get up to the streets I see that woman again, the one smoking in her window. Now sniggering at me. I would too; I was gone max. 12 minutes. This made me angry. I know that God rested on the seventh day and so should the working people as well, but, what if I didn't get that Longchamp bag today I would die? That could be the case. I walked past the woman and went and bought myself a chocolate bar to cheer me up. I mean, I was desperate. I came home, logged on to facebook with two wall posts from Kellie and Sheridan asking me why I should shop today when all the shops are closed. Clearly I don't know the town yet.
So now I'm sitting here again. Wondering If I should continue cramming Homeostasis terms or if I should just not do that. Ah, well I don't want to occupy your time anymore.

ps. The image is from the Gucci Cruise collection 08.
Really the most wonderful thing ever. As is the bag to the right on
the picture. You know, just give me it please.


Right now I really want summer.
I was looking at pictures from last summer
and I miss it so bad.
So it makes me a bit happier that
the sun is shining bright today.
This morning I've rehearsed some
Biology and I am still questioning
myself of how and why did
I choose it as a higher level next year?
Anyway, now I'm going shopping for
a Longchamp bag. You know,
the ones that e v e r y b o d y has?
Yes, well I like them and I could use
a classic bag as all my other ones seem to
be in strange colours.
That is all. Tata!

Last summer.

Sunday Morning

I woke up at eleven, to the wonderful smell of pancakes.
Now it's studying for me!
  • Biology
  • Physics
  • History
Oh no.....
Right now, I need some 'background movie'.
The Devil Wears Prada

23 feb. 2008

The second post

So I hope you enjoyed Kellie's welcome post.
I certainly did as we could not decide who should
be the first one to write a post. Anyway, welcome to our
new blog which is going to be filled with details about
our life, fashion and other fun things. As you can see, at the
moment, it is not filled with those details, but don't worry.
In the meantime you can enjoy our large picture of Audrey
Hepburn at the top.
Hope you keep reading.


Ok, so welcome first, I always hate writing the first post, so we will just keep it at this! Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome !!